Core Investing (Fundamental Analysis)
This course is designed to provide a foundation for understanding Fundamental Analysis. The course is scientifically structured to help the participants understand basic concepts and terminologies relating to the capital market and their application for investing in stocks. Fundamental Analysis is the backbone of investing. Fundamental analysts study the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Statement and Cash Flow Statement to gain insight on a company’s future performance. Apart from this, the course also imparts knowledge about the macroeconomic, Industry and sectoral analysis and other qualitative factors. By the end of this course, one shall have a much more solid grasp of the language and concepts behind security analysis and be able to use this further for stock analysis, personal portfolio management and many more.
This course will benefit all the students, finance professionals, Stock Analysts, or anyone aspiring to become investor.
Basics on Fundamental Analysis
Build Investor Mindset
Understanding Annual Reports of Company
Know Financial Ratios
Understand about Research Reports
Any Announcement can be given here. Regarding course changes.